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Welcome to our Nutrition Blog

Irina Pollastri
Mar 30, 20233 min read
Do Fad Diets Work?
Fad diets often promote quick weight loss through drastic caloric restriction, elimination of entire food groups, or excessive focus on...

Irina Pollastri
Mar 30, 20233 min read
How to improve the perception of our bodies?
Body image refers to the mental representation and perception we have of our own bodies.

Irina Pollastri
Mar 1, 20233 min read
Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders – What is the Difference?
Disordered eating and eating disorders are often confused with one another, and sometimes used interchangeably.

Gail Madalena
Jan 31, 20237 min read
Success Story: Natasha, Fertility Support via IVF Transfer & Weight Loss
"Gail really helped me to identify areas of my diet that needed improving and educated me on all the key nutrients needed to boost egg...

Gail Madalena
Jan 24, 20233 min read
Three Ways to Tell if You are Pregnant
Depending on where you are in life, and if you want a baby or not, you can get excited or worried when your period doesn’t arrive…

Gail Madalena
Jan 17, 20234 min read
The Best Foods To Improve Sperm Health
Remember, it takes two people to make a baby, whether this is with your partner or via a sperm donor, you need a healthy egg and sperm

Gail Madalena
Jan 12, 20233 min read
What Are The Best Fertility Tests To Consider When Preparing To Conceive
You may be asking yourself, what’s wrong with me or my partner and why are we having difficulties?

Gail Madalena
Jan 9, 20234 min read
The Best Foods to Improve Egg Quality
Learn how to boost your fertility with a balanced diet. Discover the best foods to improve egg quality and increase your chances!

Kelly Mulhall
Dec 5, 20225 min read
Stool Testing for IBS - what can a stool test detect and is it worth the money?
Why is comprehensive stool testing so important when it comes to gut health and IBS? Stool testing is so important as provides us with...

Kelly Mulhall
Dec 5, 20224 min read
Success Story: Tina, 29, Bloating, Acne, Bacterial Vaginosis and Support After Long Term Antibiotics
What were her symptoms? I started seeing Tina after the Covid lockdown restrictions, where she, like many others, were struggling with...

Kelly Mulhall
Dec 5, 20226 min read
Success Story: Daisy, Painful Periods, PCOS, Extreme Fatigue, Poor Sleep & Stomach Pain
"Kelly really listened to me, analysed my situation and tailored the solutions/supplements to me" What were her symptoms? I first saw...

Gail Madalena
Oct 31, 20225 min read
Got Pregnancy Cravings? Here's How To Support You & Baby Whilst Still Listening To Your Body
Pregnancy cravings normally start towards the end of the first trimester, gain momentum throughout the second and then dip off during the...

Gail Madalena
Oct 31, 20223 min read
The Importance of Your Thyroid During Pregnancy & Other Miscarriage Risks
Maintaining optimum health during your pregnancy is a pretty obvious statement. Along with eating right, staying hydrated and exercising...

Gail Madalena
Oct 31, 20223 min read
Understanding Miscarriage
Miscarriages are a devastating and mentally challenging event for women and couples. They’re often not talked about at all, or if they...

Gail Madalena
Oct 31, 20224 min read
What Can Go Wrong With Male Fertility? Part 2 - Understanding The Risk Factors
In an earlier blog we looked at common causes for male infertility, and it's more common than you think! Researchers estimate about one...

Gail Madalena
Oct 31, 20223 min read
What Can Go Wrong With Male Fertility? Part 1
Researchers estimate about one in every three cases of infertility is due to problems with the male partner alone. While infertility is...

Kelly Mulhall
Oct 26, 20223 min read
IBS Part 4: What is SIBO? Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth
Kelly Mulhall, founder of The Natural Balance, discusses what Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is and how to get a diagnosis.

Kelly Mulhall
Oct 26, 20224 min read
IBS Part 3: How can I Improve my IBS?
Founder Kelly Mulhall provides simple solutions to manage IBS symptoms. Part 3 of a 4 part series on IBS

Kelly Mulhall
Oct 26, 20224 min read
IBS Part 2: What Causes IBS?
Founder Kelly Mulhall explains the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in Part 2 of the IBS series

Kelly Mulhall
Oct 26, 20223 min read
IBS Part 1: Do You Suffer from IBS?
Founder Kelly Mulhall, in part 1 of a 4 part series identifies common symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Kelly Mulhall
Aug 23, 20227 min read
Success Story: Martina, 31, Extreme Fatigue, Constipation, Acne, Hair Loss
When Martina came to me in May 2021, she was in a very unhappy place. Her signs & symptoms were causing her a lot of anxiety and insecurity.

Kelly Mulhall
Aug 15, 20224 min read
Think you're entering Peri-menopause or Menopause and not sure what to do?
Let's be honest with ourselves. Menopause, and the lesser discussed peri-menopause, are still often discussed in hushed tones.

Kelly Mulhall
Aug 15, 20224 min read
What Foods Can Help Balance My Hormones?
The benefits of phytoestrogens for hormonal imbalance, heavy periods, irritability and other symptoms.

Kelly Mulhall
Aug 15, 20224 min read
What Causes Hormonal Imbalance?
Understanding is what is a hormonal imbalance, what causes it and if you have the signs and symptoms
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